Greg Freer Named Asst Principal of F.P. Walshe School

Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Greg Freer has been named Assistant Principal of F.P. Walshe School in Fort Macleod beginning in the 2023-2024 school year.
Greg holds Bachelor of Education and Master of Education in Educational Leadership degrees from the University of Alberta. He has been the principal of Matthew Halton High School in Pincher Creek for the past three years and was the Assistant Principal there for four and a half years prior. Greg has been a Humanities teacher, academic advisor, student council advisor, and a member of the LRSD Administration Leader to Leader Committee. When he joins the F.P. Walshe team he will be entering his 30th year as an educator.
F.P. Walshe Principal Chad Jensen is excited about the addition of Greg to the school’s staff. “To bring someone with Greg's experience and skill set into a leadership role at F.P. Walshe School is amazing,” says Chad. “I look forward to the opportunity to work with Greg, and his collaborative student-first approach is going to be a welcome addition to our team.”
Sharing his educational and leadership philosophy, Greg says, “I believe everyone brings something to the table and I value learning from others as I continue to grow. With this move to F.P. Walshe I look forward to interacting with new stakeholders in education, further enhancing my growth.“
Outside of school, Greg has trained for several years as a martial artist and now embraces mountain biking.
Congratulations to Greg on his leadership role at F.P. Walshe School.